Bayou City Fellowship is committed to seeing that our church community is a safe place for children, vulnerable adults, and all persons. We have clear policies and practices in place, but safety is a community-wide endeavor. Most abuse in a church community occurs on the fringes, in unofficial settings, so we must all be aware.

In compliance with our care for the vulnerable and State and Federal laws, we must first report all suspicions of abuse or neglect to the proper authorities.


How To Report Abuse:

The Department of Family and Protective Services provides this secure website for reporting suspicions of abuse, neglect and exploitation of children, adults with disabilities, or people 65 years or older.

Texas Abuse Hotline (1-800-252-5400)

Southern Baptist Convention
The Southern Baptist Convention provides two options to report instances of abuse. Survivors will be notified of the available options for care and will be put in touch with an advocate. All information will remain confidential.

SBC Hotline 202-864-5578
[email protected]


Creating Safe Boundaries Within Our Community
Bayou City Fellowship has implemented a Safeguarding and Care Team to lead our Church’s efforts to help our church be safe for survivors and safe from abuse.
If there is a disclosure, knowledge, or any evidence or reasonable belief of harassment or violation of proper boundaries against any child or adult, or any known violations of our Child Safety policies, all persons within Bayou City Fellowship are encouraged to report it as soon as possible to the Safeguarding and Care Team. The Safeguarding and Care Team shall lead in responding to any allegations of abuse.

Who is the Safeguarding and Care Team?
The Safeguarding and Care Team is responsible for equipping the community of Bayou City Fellowship for effective prevention and response. Our Safeguarding and Care Team is a group of four members and includes women and men with various ministry backgrounds committed to making our Church a safe place for our members.
The Safeguarding and Care Team will:

  • Implement and oversee compliance with the Bayou City Fellowship child safety and abuse awareness policies
  • Oversee the Ministry Safe training program, reference and background check implementation, and renewals.
  • Receive, document, and respond to policy violations or concerning behavior.
  • Lead in responding to any allegations of abuse.
  • Audit the screening of pastors, elders, staff, and volunteers conducted by ministry teams.
  • Complete continuing education from a qualified organization on an annual basis
  • Make recommendations to the Bayou City Fellowship Elder Board regarding safety issues.

The Safeguarding and Care Team will not investigate or counsel victims or those affected by allegations. They will gather information and respond by referring to professionals and proper authorities.



We are passionate about providing the best possible care for survivors of sexual abuse, as well as others who may be impacted, through our network of counselors. Please contact us for more information.