Bayou City Community Groups are multigenerational groups of men and women who gather weekly to help one another love and obey Jesus. Our mission is simple: Community Groups exist for followers of Jesus to grow to be more like Him in every area of life through Scripture, prayer, and shared relationships. In order to keep a radical focus on Jesus, we need each other, and Community Groups enable us to point one another to Him.

Each Community Group carries out its mission in slightly different ways. To shape their unique vision, groups pay careful attention to their group members’ passions, opportunities, and needs to better understand what God is doing among them. We share the same roots, but the fruit Jesus brings out in us will be as varied as our members. We would love for you to come be a part of what He is doing in and through us!


We want to make childcare available as much as possible for our Community Groups. Reimbursement for in-home childcare is available for any groups who would like to use this option. To find out how a group handles childcare, please refer to the detailed information on their group registration page. To request reimbursement, please click the form below.



Find A Group

We have groups all around our city that are connected to each of our campuses.

Currently, groups are on Summer break, but registration for Fall 2024 will open on August 11!

Email us if you have any questions. [email protected].

Start A Group

Have Community Groups been a blessing to you? Would you like to begin a conversation with a pastor about leading a group? If so, please let us know.

Host A Group

Would you like to serve Community Groups through your gifts of hospitality and hosting? Would you like to begin a conversation with a pastor about hosting a group? If so, please let us know.


Find A Group

We have groups all around our city that are connected to each of our campuses.

Currently, groups are on winter break, but registration for Spring 2024 will open on August 11!

Email us if you have any questions. [email protected].


Start A Group

Have Community Groups been a blessing to you? Would you like to begin a conversation with a pastor about leading a group? If so, please let us know.


Host A Group

Would you like to serve Community Groups through your gifts of hospitality and hosting? Would you like to begin a conversation with a pastor about hosting a group? If so, please let us know.


1Why are Community Groups an essential part of following Jesus at Bayou City?
When we speak of having a radical focus on Jesus, that means it is our goal to seek to follow Him in our daily lives and get rid of anything that might hinder us (Hebrews 12:1-2). To do that, we need each other, and Community Groups are a vital part of discipleship and growth for the adults of our church.
2Are Community Groups the place I go to be discipled?
They are a great place! When we say discipleship, we mean, “learning how to follow Jesus in every situation in life.” In Community Groups, people take God’s Word, the circumstances of their lives, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus with everything they have.
3What happens at a weekly Community Group gathering?
At a weekly Community Group gathering, we turn our attention to God by doing three things: listening to God’s voice in Scripture, praying, and sharing relationships. We believe practicing these three spiritual disciplines weekly helps us follow and obey Jesus, and ultimately, to become more like Him.
4Are there Community Groups for ages, life stages, etc.?
No, there are not. We are committed to multi-generational groups that allow people of different life stages and experiences to grow together. All of our groups are for both men and women because we desire to have the fullest representation of the image of God. Bayou City also has ministries for women, men, young adults, and marriage preparation that meet regularly.
5What do Community Groups use for their materials?
Each Community Group across all of our three campuses discusses the same lessons, which are rooted in the Scriptures. Our Community Groups team puts together lesson guides for leaders to prepare and facilitate discussion for their group.
6When do Community Groups begin and end?
Community Groups start in the fall, take a break for the holidays, and resume in the spring.
7How should I select a group?
Community Groups are organized according to geography. We would encourage you to find the group closest to you. The groups tend to look a lot like the neighborhoods in which they meet. Sometimes the group closest does not work with your schedule. In this instance, we encourage you to find a group most optimal for your schedule that allows you to attend weekly.
8Can I start a Community Group in my area?
We are always looking for new leaders to start Community Groups in new parts of the city. If you are interested in leading or hosting a group in your home, please click here.