In the New Testament, one of the ways the Church is described is as a family. Effective family life requires commitment from each of the members of the family. The Church is also called the body of Christ. A body has different members that must work together to function well. A Christian learns to love God and love others within such a context. Practicing the "one another commands" of the New Testament and exercising spiritual gifts to build up the church requires proximity and commitment. We cannot readily accomplish these things without being part of a local body of Christians.
Joining a local church allows Christians to grow under the care of spiritual shepherds who will give account for the souls entrusted to their care (Hebrews 13:17). These spiritual shepherds seek to live in obedience to God's word and encourage and train those under their care to do the same, thus being and making disciples/followers of Jesus.
- Trust Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
- Have been baptized after expressing faith in Jesus.
- Agree with Bayou City Fellowship's doctrinal statement.
- Are seeking to live a life that honors Jesus and not involved in unrepentant sin.
- Grow closer to Jesus as part of a discipling community.
- Serve with your time and gifts for Jesus’ Kingdom in our city or world.
- Give generously, sacrificially and cheerfully.
- Complete the membership process.