Bayou City Fellowship is a thriving church in Houston, TX, with multiple locations, but one single vision – JESUS! We are grateful that God has included us in His plan for Houston and the nations.

We are a church radically focused on Jesus
Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s nature, the radiance of his glory, and God’s definitive word to people. We are Jesus’ disciples committed to following his example and instructions in this world. In focusing our attention on him, we learn how to glorify God, move towards spiritual maturity, and love one another better.

We serve the city and world
If Jesus moved onto our street, the neighbors would notice. So when we move into neighborhoods, jobs, or apartments, people should notice. And be glad. We believe we best represent Jesus in this world as humble servants.

We start churches
We believe the local church is God’s strategy for redeeming and restoring our city. Houston’s population is growing much faster than the churches that can reach them, so we want to be one family with many houses. Whichever house you enter, you will find one name that matters most - Jesus.


All Applicants to Bayou City Fellowship should possess the following personal characteristics:

1 A strong relationship with Jesus Christ, a commitment to growing in their walk with Jesus, and be an invested part of Bayou City Fellowship.

2 An alignment with the core beliefs of Bayou City Fellowship and our Statement of Faith.

3 A “chemistry” and personality that fits with the culture of the church.

4 A high sense of character, integrity, and moral principles.

5 Great communication skills and problem-solving abilities.

6 A person who is strongly motivated and shows initiative.

7 A team player.

8 A teachable spirit.


We do not take the responsibility of shepherding Bayou City Fellowship lightly. Take a closer look at The Privilege and Responsibility of Leadership.

It is an incredible privilege to be on staff at Bayou City; however, this privilege brings with it profound responsibility. As a leader, you are called to be a bold and effective witness for Jesus Christ. This requires you to model mature Christian behaviors and attitudes. Bayou City Fellowship employees are required to adhere to biblical standards of living in their professional and personal lives.

1Accept the mission of the church.
Integrate personal goals with the goals of the church and be a part of the team working toward Bayou City’s goals. Do not spread gossip and gloom. Be a strong advocate for the church and for Jesus.
2Lead a life of moral purity in all that you say and do.
“Live a life worthy of the calling with which you have been called” (Ephesians 4:1). Represent the church well on the job and away from the job, living a lifestyle consistent with the life of Jesus and the mission of the church.
3Show a commitment to Christian principles through excellence of work.
Employees are expected to do their best on assignments, to learn all they can about their jobs and the church, and to be prompt, dependable, accessible, responsive, and willing to work together as a team.
4Keep commitments made to members and to others.
You should strive to improve upon every activity you perform. Your reputation is, in large part, determined by your work ethic. People on staff and in the church do watch you, and you should lead by example. Full–time employees and pastoral staff are expected to work a minimum of 40 hours per week. You should also volunteer in an area outside of your own ministry, as all church members are encouraged to do this.
5Maintain harmonious working relationships with co-workers.
Apply a measure of grace in your interactions. Be flexible and open to change. You are a part of a team. Your work must be planned and implemented in cooperation with each department. The overall mission of Bayou City Fellowship must take precedence over personal goals and desires. “Be diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
6Be kind, gentle, and cooperative with Bayou City people.
Be a humble servant. Take delight in serving our people with grace. “Serve with all humility and gentleness” (Ephesians 4:2).
1Protect your reputation and that of our ministry.
Staff members of the opposite sex should avoid meeting together without a third person present or should meet in an area with open visibility; either the door open or a window that allows you to be easily seen. Staff members of the opposite sex should avoid traveling alone or meeting off campus unless a third party is present. Always seek to be “beyond reproach” in matters of integrity, purity, and reputation. Respect each other as integral parts of the team. Differences should be communicated and resolved in a biblical manner.
2Participate in opportunities provided for spiritual, personal, and job growth.
Christianity is not for spectators, and growth and spiritual maturity will be dramatically enhanced by active and overt participation for improvement.
3Practice fiscal responsibility in all church matters.
“Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise men” (Ephesians 5:15). Our church staff has earned a high degree of trust from the congregation. This reputation could be damaged in an instant by misuse of funds. Church funds must be spent wisely and cautiously, and you should be as frugal with church funds as with your own money. Remember that you are spending someone’s tithe.
4Participate in the major activities of the church and church life.
Regular attendance at worship services, Community Group, and church activities is expected. You should also make every effort to participate in the outreach efforts of the church (short-term trips, etc.). Staff are expected to give financially with a tithe (10%) as a baseline.
5Be supportive of your supervisor and leaders.
“Obey your leaders and submit to them, so they can lead with joy” (Hebrews 13:17).
6Give your family proper attention and observe the Sabbath.
Bayou City provides for your weekly days off and expects you to manage work-life balance in a manner that ensures your spiritual, emotional, and physical health. Take your days off and rest as God modeled in creation and directed to us.


If you sense the call to join us and you believe in our mission, apply for one of our open positions below.